Thank you for your order.
So we can process your order correctly, we need to confirm some information with you.
We understand that some countries regulations and customs can be very strict. We ask that you check with your local customs
officer before going ahead with your order to ensure it will be allowed in the country. We can supply you with the appropriate
commodity codes if needed.
We are not exporters but an online retailer so as the consignee you are responsible for checking with your local customs office if
you can import the products you are interested in purchasing. This may mean import taxes may be applied or additional paperwork
is needed to be supplied to help your parcel clear customs. So before we proceed, we do strongly recommend that you look in to
this first.
We also ask you to confirm your address so the parcel can be labelled correctly. If you can please check and confirm these details
back to us, we will be able to confirm and process your order.
Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Contact Centre Supervisor