[Tr.h.] Filmvisning: John Pilgers "War on Democracy"

Ronny Kjelsberg ronny.kjelsberg at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 00:03:40 CET 2008

husk kveldens filmvisning!

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From:  <torunnn at stud.ntnu.no>
Date: Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 1:57 PM
Subject: [Attac-Trondheim] Filmvisning: John Pilgers "War on Democracy"
To: Attac i Trondheim <attac-trondheim at lists.copyleft.no>

NTNU/HiST Attac inviterer til filmkveld på Bybroen Antikvariat på
Bakklandet, tirsdag 11. november kl. 1900.

Der viser vi John Pilgers "The War on Democracy" (2007)

Wikipedia skriver om filmen: "The War on Democracy is a 2007
award-winning documentary film directed by Christopher Martin and John
Pilger. Set both in Latin America and the United States, the film
explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with
countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. Pilger claims that the
film "...tells a universal story... analysing and revealing, through
vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths.
It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called "war on
terror"." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_on_Democracy

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Ronny Kjelsberg
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