[Uffau] HUGE New Pick Coming After Close!!!

sryouma1867 at croyengineering.com sryouma1867 at croyengineering.com
Thu Sep 19 19:14:14 CEST 2013

The new-made products, i.e. iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, have been 
introduced by the Apple (Nasdaq:A A P-L). However the goods 
have little interest for the obligees. Fortunately, we have 
learned about the secret innovation, which is being designed in 
Cupertino, the Main Office of the Apple Company, which will be 
required by everyone. (It is going to be put in use by all the 
people through just a year). Now is the perfect timing to get 
hold of the shares of stock of the Apple, because quite soon 
they will increase in price!

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