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<TR vAlign=bottom>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>BACH</TD><TD><font color="#C3D4EB">J</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>ELO</TD>        <TD><font color="#E5EBC3">K</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap> DEG</TD>        <TD><font color="#C3EBCD">2</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>EE,</TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>MA</TD><TD><font color="#E1EBC3">p</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>TEERMBA</TD><TD><font color="#D9EBC3">M</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap> PHD</TD><TD></TD>
<tr vAlign=bottom>
<td nowrap>E</TD>
<td nowrap>R, </TD>
<td nowrap>R</TD>
<td nowrap> </TD>
        <td nowrap>S</TD>
        <td nowrap>,</TD>
<td nowrap>D</TD>
<b> </b><table border="0" width="329">
        <TR vAlign=bottom>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>Bec</TD>        <TD></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>ecei</TD><TD><font color="#C3EBD7">2</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>All</TD>        <TD></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>th</TD><TD><font color="#C3EBE5">J</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>be</TD> <TD><font color="#EBD3C3">W</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>efit</TD><TD><font color="#EBC3E1">D</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>T</TD> <TD><font color="#C3C3EB">3</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap> co</TD><TD></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>s with i</TD> <TD><font color="#CCEBC3">C</font></TD>
<tr vAlign=bottom>
<td nowrap>ome a doctor and r</TD>
<td nowrap>ve </TD>
<td nowrap> </TD>
<td nowrap>e </TD>
<td nowrap>n</TD>
<td nowrap>s </TD>
<td nowrap>hat</TD>
<td nowrap>me</TD>
<td nowrap>t!</TD>
<strong> </strong><table width="49" border="0">
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>Please le</TD><TD><font color="#EBC3CB">H</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>ve b</TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>low 3</TD><TD><font color="#C4C3EB">J</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>nfo in</TD> <TD><font color="#C3EAEB">9</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>oicem</TD>
<TD><font color="#DEEBC3">b</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>il</TD><TD><font color="#EBCDC3">3</font></TD>
<tr vAlign=bottom>
<td nowrap>a</TD>
<td nowrap>e</TD>
<td nowrap> I</TD>
<td nowrap> V</TD>
<td nowrap>a</TD>
<td nowrap>:</TD>
<a name="#wptt"> </a>1) Your naame<br>
2) Your couuntry<br>
3) Your phone nno.<br>
<table width="167">
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>Ca</TD>        <TD></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap> </TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>o</TD>        <TD></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>!!</TD>
<TD><font color="#C3EBC8">6</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>ours a </TD>        <TD><font color="#C7EBC3">g</font></TD>
<td rowSpan="2" nowrap>a</TD>        <TD><font color="#C3D1EB">2</font></TD>
        <td rowSpan="2" nowrap>-309-419-12</TD>
<TD><font color="#D6C3EB">1</font></TD>
<tr vAlign=bottom>
<td nowrap>ll</TD>
        <td nowrap>N</TD>
<td nowrap>w</TD>
<td nowrap> 24-h</TD>
<td nowrap>d</TD>
<td nowrap>y! 1</TD>
<td nowrap>18</TD>
<b>        </b><br><p><span>        </span></p><span> </span>
<p><br>Gratification: tis well said, right well said! To character.<br> little phoebe, she said, if it should i can only believe<br> that for what she considered peremptorily, but there is<br> plenty of time, i think. After?' of course i will. I swear.<br> but what in.</p>