The Creativity Portal® Newsletter aims to inspire personal creativity and promotes instructional and educational Web sites, opportunities, and products related to art, crafts, writing, and creativity.
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Copyright Information: The commentary, articles, projects, photos, and artwork appearing in this e-newsletter and on the Creativity Portal Web site are property of their respective authors and creators. As such, you do not have permission to republish this newsletter or its content elsewhere, including on the Web, on newsletter archive Web sites, blogs, public or private e-newsletters, and in print publications.
We don't want to discourage you from sharing our delightful content with others, so we invite you to publish brief, fair-use quotations of the articles along with your comments and credit links to the full-text versions on the Creativity Portal Web site. Your respect for the Creator's Copyright will enable us to continue publishing fresh, useful, and fun content to inspire your creative life.
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