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 Men are more independent in their thoughts and actions, while women are more willing to follow the ideas suggested by others.
 If it had been possible to build the Tower of Babel without climbing it, it would have been permitted.
Men grasp a situation as a whole and think globally, while women think locally, relying on details and nuances.
How pathetically scanty my self-knowledge is compared with, say, my knowledge of my room. There is no such thing as observation of the inner world, as there is of the outer world.
 Just the good ol' boys, never meanin' no harm. Beats all you've ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born. Straight'nin' the curve, flat'nin' the hills. Someday the mountain might get 'em, but the law never will. Makin' their way, the only way they know how, that's just a little bit more than the law will allow. Just good ol' boys, wouldn't change if they could, fightin' the system like a true modern day Robin Hood.
 Men are builders and creators. They take risks and experiment, while women select the most valuable knowledge and pass it over to the next generation.
Always first draw fresh breath after outbursts of vanity and complacency.

Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs one hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate... but with his other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins.

"You can lump that hat if you don't like it. I dare you to knock it off -- and anybody that'll take a dare will suck eggs." Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.

Association with human beings lures one into self-observation.

Atlas was permitted the opinion that he was at liberty, if he wished, to drop the Earth and creep away; but this opinion was all that he was permitted.

Believing in progress does not mean believing that any progress has yet been made.

By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.

By imposing too great a responsibility, or rather, all responsibility, on yourself, you crush yourself.

Don Quixote's misfortune is not his imagination, but Sancho Panza.