[Fredsinitiativet-trondheim] Goldie L. Sandford
Vicki Trueman
bayshiqmf at 201-167-115-71-cable.cybercable.net.mx
Wed Nov 11 05:13:27 CET 2009
To old to go to the school? and you want a degree, ok we will help you get it
Just pickup the fone and call us at 1- 215-602-2419 and we will help you get your degree in about 4-5 weeks.
Leave a msg, Including you name, number, and degree you want, we will call back and get all right for you.
Kristin T. Febus
(Our large schools)..are organized like a factory of the late 19th C : top down, command control management, a system designed to stifle creativity and independent judgment.' David T Kearns CEO Xerox 'Most schools are drowning in events…An attention deficit culture' Peter Senge If we remain wedded to the way education is currently provided we cannot imagine other ways.. we need some imagination , some fantasy, some new ways of thinking - some magic in fact' Hedley Beare Prof
We imagine a school in which students and teachers excitedly and joyfully stretch themselves to their limits in pursuit of projects built on their vision...not one that succeeds in making apathetic students satisfying minimal standards.' S Papert
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.' 'We are truly the fish in the water of industrial age assumptions' Peter Senge 'Culture is the underground stream of norms, values, beliefs, traditions, and rituals that builds up over time as people work together, solve problems, and confront challenges .This set of informal expectations and values shapes how people think, feel, and act in schools.' Deal and Patterson 98 'Some schools develop 'toxic' cultures which actively discourage efforts to improve teaching or student achievement.' Deal Kettering (US inventor) has little time for conventional education. He thought genuine innovators were hobbled more than helped by what they had learned in school. Overly educated people were least likely to make new discoveries...they were too intent on doing things the way they had been taught.' Farson and Keynes 'Whoever Makes the
You have to take enough time to get kids deeply involved in something they can think about in lots of different ways,'
The central problem of an education based on experience is to select the kind of present experiences that live fruitfully and creatively in subsequent experience.' John Dewey
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