[Loom-devel] Aber wir, wenn wir gegessen und getrunken haben, sind wir grad das Gegenteil von dem, was wir sein sollen.

Klaes Jeltema KlaesJeltema at passiveplus.com
Tue Aug 14 18:59:12 CEST 2007

T'h*i's Tues-day i.t_s CYTV_!!! 

G-e t on C+Y T-V Fir,st T+hing on TU'ES_DAY, i.t_'_s goin*g to expl*oad! 

C_ompany+: CHIN*A YOUT+V C*O_R'P (+O_T.C BB:CYT ,V.OB) 

Sy_mbol:  C-Y'T V 

C-urrent Price.: $_0.. 4'6 
M'onday Move_: (+U*p O_ver(12*.20%) 

T-h e pric'e is at a mini.mum it w_i'l*l b'o+o.m on Tu.esday! 

Recomme'ndation': "STRO,N.G-BUY" star-'ting on Tue_sda*y, AUGU.ST 1 4,, 2'0,0.6 . 

Breakin .g N'e'w_s': 

Ch ina YouTV' s CnB.oo W.e'b S'i't-e Rank s N_o'._1 on Micros+o-ft L.i.v.e Sea*rch Engi-ne 

Agg r.esive T.raders 

G-e+t in early,, t'h'i.s o*n,e c_a'n f,l_i p h+i-g+h retur,ns f*a+s+t'. 

Be*cause it is imposs_i ble to pro'vide l+ogins f o'r e veryo,ne w.h-o wa+nts to acce,ss a pub-lic arc_hiv,e, m,a'n+y system s u s,e a,nonym_ous F,T.P_. 
That',s t-h_e stor y of my l_i f.e,. 
I w.a,s wo,nderin*g if I_'_l l be a+b*l_e to u's e Y+o-u r n.e'w ver.sion of 3d w_ire,less glass*es w-i+t-h my l*c_d monito,r (_N+e+c 186 0nx). 

N,o-one whos+e mac_hine y_o,u w*a n_t to brea*k i-n t.o is g oing to h+a.v*e Soft-'I'ce in_st_alled. 

I+n-stead, it pa+sses a pointe_r to t*h+e "*live" v,alue. 

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