[Loom-devel] How come the horse knows you.

REAL Gittings Gittings at rulenta.ru
Wed Aug 15 18:01:39 CEST 2007

T h,i_s g.e m is rea+lly mov'abl.e!! 

T+h.i.s o'n e is reall*y pro.fit-able!!! 

H_a v-e y_o,u b_e_e.n w_atch-ing t+h i+s f'o+r t-h'e l*a,s_t w-e-e'k,? 

T+a-k*e a l+o'o-k at it:
r ecent n,e,w,s releas+e*s s.e,n*t generat_i-ng gr'owing intere s_t in C-Y*T.V 

Comp any,: CHI'NA YO*UTV C,O.R_P (-O'T*C BB:CYTV .+OB) 

S t o c k:      C.Y.T_V 

C,urrent Pric-e: $+.-4*9 

4,t,h Stra*ig'ht d a_y's we h-a-v-e s e.e*n t-h*i s cl,imb. (+S e.e Y'ahoo Ch+art.-New N-e-w+s releas*e) 

T'h+i,s o.n*e h a_s h-a+d n_i.c e retur_ns f,o-r inve,stor,s o.v*e-r t h'e s-ummer, and

n,o*w show's promis.e to b-egin a sec,ond w-a-v,e of ret'urns. 

K+e,e p a e*y_e o-u+t a_gain on Wedne-sda_y A+u g 15._... 

T+h+e P*a-s-t as Fut_ure. 
If the_re h-a'd b,e*e,n o*n e or m,o.r,e di alog re+sou*rces i nclud_ed in t,h e f_ile, t+h,e r o'o.t n,o.d_e woul'd h.a*v-e h*a+d o'n_e m+o.r e en try a n*d+, c_onse,quently, ano,ther branc h f'o_r t*h+e di,alog reso*u_rces. 
As to w_h_y y o*u do+n't g e*t a defa.ult (fat+) bor'der consi st*ently ar-ound y*o_u_r butto-n -- I d on't kno,wn enough_. 
T*h_e TData_S et Filte,r prop ,erty u s-e.s a diff_eren-t s+yntax d e+pending on t-h_e b.ac_k-end. 

M'I+D+L call*s t,h,e p_reproc,essor to expan*d ma cros wit,hin s+ource fi'les. 

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