[Loom-devel] Pox and gleet vendor.

Aparis Gedebjerg Gedebjergpwptx at design-desires.co.uk
Wed Aug 15 18:51:24 CEST 2007

T,h-i's g,e'm is rea+lly mov.abl e!! 

T*h*i.s o'n-e is real+ly profita*b,le!!! 

H.a'v,e y,o'u b.e_e+n wa.tchin+g t-h+i-s f,o,r t_h.e l'a s*t w e,e,k'? 

T-a'k'e a l o,o-k at it:
recen_t n.e-w's re'leas*es s-e n*t gene ra ting g,rowing int+ere_st in C*Y*T*V 

C*o-mpany: CHI.NA YO_UTV C_O,R.P ('O'T*C BB:.C-YTV.OB) 

S t o c k:      C'Y-T'V 
C,urrent Pri*ce: $+.-4.9 
4+t,h S-traigh t d.a-y+s we h+a*v*e s e-e*n t h*i+s clim_b. (+S*e*e Yaho.o Chart-Ne+-w N*e*w.s release ) 

T-h.i.s o+n-e h'a-s h.a,d n,i c+e ret-urns f'o r in,vesto-rs o*v_e+r t*h'e su'mmer, and

n'o,w sh+ows pro,mise to begi n a s*econd w,a'v-e of returns . 

K+e.e p a e.y'e o'u t agai,n on Wed nesda'y A-u.g 15..,.. 

Apa-che f_o'r C ygwin m.akes t-h'i+s m_u c_h easie.r. 

If y.o-u a.d*d f-iles to t*h-e Activ+e Ac,c.essibility d.irecto.ry, t+h*e-y w+i*l l n*o-t be remo ved a_n d t h e di_*rectory struc't_ure w'i_l-l be p'reserv.ed. 
A mo'di*fied versio_n of S.e,e,R w-i.t*h l.o't s of b+u+g.s remov,ed. 

H_e.r,e we beg*in creatin* g a radi+o but tons grou*p. 
T.h-e+y h+a+d b*e*e,n m+a,d_e by b.a'r_e f_e e-t-. 
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