[Peerpress-licensing] Most of the novella protections around are LAME.

cathi Kustra Kustranzxz at original37.com.br
Mon Aug 13 18:16:48 CEST 2007

H+u'g,e N'e*w_s To I+mpact C,Y_T*V 

C.hina YouT.V C_o-r.p'. 

Symbol,: C Y+T V 

We h.a,v*e alre_ady s,e-e-n CY+TV's marke-t impac*t bef+ore c,l imbing to o v'e_r $2,.00 w'i-t,h n.e*w*s'. 

Pres*s Relea.se: 
Chi-na You+TV's CnB.oo W+e*b S'i t+e Rank-s N,o_.-1 on Micros'of+t L-i.v*e Se'arch Eng-ine 
CnBo,o Tra+ffic In.c,reases 4*9.% O v'e_r T+w,o Mo-nths 

R'e*a*d t+h'e news., thin,k abou t t_h-e impa ct, and
j,u m p on t*h-i,s firs t t.hing T_o*morrow m.orning-!  $0.'42 is a g'i'f-t at t h*i's pr ic e..... 

Do y.o_u r home'w_ork a n*d wat.ch t h.i-s tr.ade Monda,y mo*rning. 

R eeks, plea'se, w_i.t.h h_i's sket*.ches of t+h'e B_rontosaurus . 

Entwu_rf ein*er Th.eorie d,e'r i'*nformellen Mu-sik Diss_, an.genom. 

Y'o'u do n't h+a v'e to u*s+e t*h i*s v_ersion of Li nux to u s*e t h-e m+ate+rial covere d in thes_e p+ages. 
Afte r t-h,e sta,tue w a.s dr+agged o n,t.o t'h*e sec'ond s'e t of grease d r,unn.ers, t h'e m-e'n brough t t+h e o.n*e,s l-e.f t behin.d to t,h-e fro nt, leapfr*_ogging t_h_e stat ue as it w'a+s m-oved a*long. 
F_lint d,r e'w b*a-c-k o.n,l*y slig'ht+ly, b_u+t t-h+e t'roll r-'eturned i_t_s at*tenti.on to i't+s wo'unded l.e g_. 

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