[Peerpress-licensing] Lews Therin whispered hoarsely.

hersch Menezes hersch731 at mazzonefoods.com
Tue Aug 14 09:29:56 CEST 2007

H'u.g_e N+e*w.s To Im*pact C-Y+T_V 

Chi-na Yo_uTV C_o,r_p,. 

S ymbol: C.Y-T.V 

We h,a v.e alre,ady s,e e_n CY,TV's marke+t imp,act be*fore cli,m*bing to o v.e*r $_2.00 w*i-t-h n+e*w.s+. 
Pres-s Re_lease: 
Chin,a YouTV''s Cn'Boo W.e'b S.i.t*e Ran+ks N_o-.+1 on Mi_crosof,t L.i'v*e Searc_h En.gine 

Cn Boo T_raffic I_ncrease+s 4,9.% O-v_e'r T+w_o Mont-hs 

R-e-a-d t_h e news., th'ink abo ut t+h,e impact , and

j,u'm-p on t_h.i,s fi*rst th+ing To'mor_row m'.orning!  $0._42 is a g i*f-t at t-h*i,s pric'e..*... 

Do y'o'u-r home' work a*n'd wa tch t.h*i_s trad_e Mo_nday morn'ing. 

Mu,ltip-le fa'mily assignm*e*nts c_a+n be m.ade, a'n.d if a spe*ci*fic f_o'n.t as-s,ignment is m a-d+e it shou*ld be follo*w_ed by a gener+ic famil'y n*a_m*e in c'a*s*e t'h'e firs*t ch_oice is n.o_t pre*sent. 
S*e+t+s t,h*e l*ength of t*h-i,s str-eam to t_h+e giv*en val-ue. 
Jenn*y st ood fa-cing me a*n*d rec+ited t.h e p*o,e.m s+h'e h,a'd selected'-. 

S,e+t s t,h.e m-o'd-e f+l,a g regi.ste r acc*ord_ing to t+h,e f_ollowi-ng t.able 0'x.a s*e t-s a 0+x+b s-e-t-s b.

T.h*i+s pr.ov+ides spee*d at t*h+e expens_e of portabil,_ity. 

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