[PP-main] New lists.
Joakim Ziegler
joakim at simplemente.net
Fri Apr 7 04:52:38 CEST 2000
Lists for discussing the licensing issues and the XML DTD have been created.
Go to http://lists.styx.net/mailman/listinfo/peerpress-licensing for the
licensing list, and http://lists.styx.net/mailman/listinfo/peerpress-xml for
the XML list, to sign up. All interested parties should do so, etc.
See you there.
Joakim Ziegler - simplemente r&d director - joakim at simplemente.net
FIX sysop - free software coder - FIDEL & Conglomerate developer
http://www.avmaria.com/ - http://www.simplemente.net/
More information about the Peerpress-main
mailing list