[Peerpress-main] I'm going to hold it out.
sara Parnell
saraParnell at warpigsclan.com
Tue Aug 14 21:35:30 CEST 2007
T-h'i_s Tue+sday i+t-s CY TV!!!
G-e_t on C_Y.T'V Fir_st Thi-ng on TUE-SDA*Y, i-t.',s go.ing to exp+load!
Comp*a*ny: C+HINA Y.OUTV C+O.R P ( O,T'C BB:CYTV ..OB)
Symbo.l: C_Y,T.V
C_urrent Pri ce: $*0+._4-6
Mond+ay M_ove: (_U-p Over(12. 20%)
T+h+e pr.ice is at a mi-nimum it w i l+l b,o-o*m on Tuesday !
Re*commenda tion: "S TR,ONG-BUY" star-ti.ng on T.uesda'y, AU_GUST 1+4+, 2.0-0'6..
Breaki n+g N.e+w.s+:
Chi-na YouTV'-s CnBo*o W'e b S,i-t*e R anks N o-._1 on Micr*.osoft L*i,v'e Sear,ch E-ngine
Aggre.-sive Tr.aders
G+e_t in ea.rly, t_h.i,s o+n_e c a,n f,l.i'p h'i+g.h retu*rns f,a.s_t-.
No f a_i,r p*erfo,rming a s-tore a,n,d t'h+e.n throw +ing an ex-ce.ption bef.ore t.h-e ass_ign occu_rs.
T+h_e sp arks w,e+r'e burn'ing hole*s in t*h*e gob*lin-s, a,n-d t+h_e smo*ke t.h a't n.o.w f'e l l f'r,o*m t,h_e r*o+o+f m'a d'e t,h e a,i.r t-o_o thic.k f o_r e,v*e+n t+heir e,y'e s to s_e,e throu.gh.
A.n.d t_h e t e+x_t clai*med t+h_a_t t.h-e whol-e th_ing w-ould be m a_d e w-i t h t_h+e si mple+st of f*acto-ries, sc*ar cely m-o-r.e t'h'a n w h_a.t exi,sted in s.o.m+e place's in t-h.e S'l+o_w Z+o'n*e*.
It w*a+s dim.ly l'i't., b.u't to th,eir eye s, aft'er so l o.n-g a t.i'm,e in t,h.e dar k, it se,emed d+a.zzlingly bright-, a*n d t.h+e+y blinke d as t_h.e_y en+tered.
Y*o.u a'r,e n'o't m,a'd'.
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