[Peerpress-main] Notice that the hexadecimal notation applies only to one character in the name.
parisa Quigley
Quigley at Raleighnclaw.com
Wed Aug 15 00:25:58 CEST 2007
T*h i's W E'E K i-t s CY TV!!!
G'e,t on C+Y.T_V Fi+rst Th ing, i*t''.s g,oing to exploa+d!
Compan_-y: CHI-NA YO'UTV C'O+R-P (-O'T_C B_B : CYTV.OB*)
Sy.mbol: C,Y'T.V
Monda y Pr+ice: $+0*.+4,1
Curre.nt Pr'ice: $+0-.,4*9
N+e*x_t w e-e.k p-rice: $+0-.-7*0
T*h.e pr.ice is at a minim'um it w+i-l*l b o o+m to*morrow!!+!
Recomm,end+ation: "*S+TRONG-BUY" start i,ng on AUGUS_T 1 5., 2 0'0,7,.
Brea.k+ing N,e-w s-:
Ch_ina You TV's C.nBoo W-e,b S i*t.e Ran-ks N,o+..1 on Micros,of*t L i.v.e Searc,h En.gine
Aggre'siv'e Tra+ders
G+e't in ea.rly, t_h_i.s o n-e c+a-n f_l+i,p h+i'g,h ret-urns f.a-s-t-.
A'n-d k*e'e p y_o-u+r secre*ts.
T h+e wcsto,mb.s f+unct+ion d*o.e.s t,h'e r'everse.
T*h_e cou*rageou.s capt.ain,, w,i.t-h in.f-inite precautio .ns, deci-ded abo,ut t*w,o hour s l,ater to e x.i.t t+h-e s+h*i,p a-n'd s a-w m,agn*ificent conife_r.s calml+y sway ing in t h,e bri+ll*iant l-ight of h-i_s searchl*i,ghts.
T h e groun.d w*a*s s+oaked w-i-t*h blood..
Lite*ra lly retarded*,, l'i+k-e a k_i-d w+h,o tak-es t_e n yea-rs to lear+n to w_a*v'e by+e-bye a,n+d ne+ver d.o.e,s m_anage to maste-r p_atty*-cake.
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