[pp-xml] Re: [PP-main] XMLNews

lists at itsg.net.au lists at itsg.net.au
Tue Apr 11 04:39:23 CEST 2000

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Joakim Ziegler wrote:

> Looks pretty rich, too. I'll dig more in this tomorrow, too beat right now
> from 24 hours of travelling.

just thought i'd drop in a few comments on the two specs being discussed.

(NITF - http://www.nitf.org , and xmlnews - http://www.xmlnews.org)

after reading a few pages, here is a quick summary of the situation
(as i see it) :

* NITF is an xml dtd produced by the big boys(tm) of the traditional
press. it is very featureful, but may be limited in its description of
binary objects. (it currently supports audio, video, and images - all in
the one dtd).

* xmlnews is actually two seperate dtd's. xmlnews-story and xmlnews-meta.
xmlnews-story is used for text. it is compatible with NITF. xmlnews-meta is
used to describe non-text items (like images, video, audio, whatever). it
looks as if it is RDF compatible.

* the (quick) verdict?
it sounds like xmlnews is almost exactly what has been suggested on this
list for ppn's dtd('s). two seperate documents - one for text and one for
binary. it is backwards compatible with the existing xml standard for
news, but has room for growth.

hope this helps. (thanks nick!)

- avi

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