[Pyrex] pyrex and GIMP

Kevin Turner acapnotic at twistedmatrix.com
Tue Oct 5 08:46:42 CEST 2004

I've been working on using Pyrex for a GIMP plug-in.  It works now.  If
that sounds interesting to you, there's a link to the code at


The parts implemented in Pyrex are a PixelFetcher, functions for
calculating displacement and interpolation, and the main processing loop
iterating over a row buffer.  The speed is comparable to the C version
(within 5% on my 256x256 test image).  I haven't tried a pure Python or
a Python+psyco implementation yet.

I'm not sure yet how to distribute the pyrex definitions for libgimp. 
Since I only have one program using it so far, I'm distributing it all
in one tarball and linking "pyxgimp.pxd" into the source directory.

There are some sloppy bits where I convert between pygimp classes (the
libgimp Python bindings included with GIMP) and my pyrex ones. 
Eventually, I should pick a set of bindings and stick with them, but
there's much of pygimp's functionality I haven't duplicated yet.  The
things in libgimp I wrapped with pyrex are Drawable, Tile, and
PixelRegion -- the structures I needed to access in my pixel processing

The moon is last quarter, 63.6% illuminated, 20.9 days old.
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