[Pyrex] How to access C variable of other class?

Gustavo Barbieri barbieri at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 03:35:24 CEST 2004


I'm [trying to] writting a python wrapper for libvisual
(http://libvisual.sf.net/), but I have some problems:

1) Is this code all right?
def init( argv ):
    """Initialize libvisual.

    Sets up a plugin registry, register the program name and such.

       * argv: list of strings representing the argument

    Returns: 0 on succes -1 on error.
    if not isinstance( argv, list ):
        raise TypeError( "argument must be a list of strings!" )

    # hold original values
    cdef int aco
    cdef char **avo
    # hold to be passed values
    cdef int ac
    cdef char **av

    aco = len( argv )
    if aco == 0:
        raise TypeError( "argument list must contain at least one argument!" )

    # build an argument list
    avo = <char **>calloc( aco, sizeof(char *) )
    for i from 0 <= i < aco:
        if not isinstance( argv[ i ], str ):
            free( avo )
            raise TypeError( "argument must be a list of strings!" )
        txt = argv[ i ]
        avo[ i ] = txt

    av = avo
    ac = aco
    ret = visual_init( &ac, &av )

    # rebuild argv from the modified av
    del argv[ : ]
    for i from 0 <= i < ac:
        argv.append( av[ i ] )

    free( avo )
    return ret

2) libvisual is pure C, but have an OO concept, so I want to make it
OO in python migrating visual_video_*() to methods of the Video class.
   My class is:

cdef class Video:
   cdef VisVideo *video

The show stopper is:
   visual_video_clone( VisVideo *dst, VisVideo *src )
Which I translated in:
cdef class Video:
   def clone( self, src ):
      visual_video_clone( self.video, src.video )

but I get the following error:
  "Cannot convert Python object to 'VisVideo (*)'"

I already tried to have a method
   getvideo(self): return self.video
and even played with cdef getvideo( instance ): return instance.video,
but none worked...

Could someone help me?

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
Computer Engineer 2001 - UNICAMP
GPSL - Grupo Pro Software Livre
Cell..: +55 (19) 9165 8010
Jabber: gsbarbieri at jabber.org
  ICQ#: 17249123
   GPG: 0xB640E1A2 @ wwwkeys.pgp.net
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