[Pyrex] How to structure pyrex modules in a cooperative way

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri barbieri at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 16:12:07 UTC 2007

Hello all,

I'm starting to create bindings for some EFL (Enlightenment Foundation
Libraries, best know by their canvas, Evas, or window manager "E"),
these are a set of libraries that cooperate.

I have the following modules in EFL:
 - evas: no dependencies, provides Canvas (struct Evas*) and objects
(struct Evas_Object*)
 - ecore: no dependencies, provides event system, main loop, timers and like
 - ecore-evas: contained in ecore package, it depends on evas and
links evas to ecore main loop, provides X11, Framebuffer and other
subsystems to Evas draw on... provides EcoreEvas (struct Ecore_Evas
*)... this creates and holds a Canvas (struct Evas*, from Evas*) and
has means to return this object to application.

Basics of evas and ecore are already done, just need to figure out how
to do ecore.evas without duplicating code elsewhere :-)

I'd like to keep evas and ecore separated since they're independent,
but how to use their PXD from ecore.evas? Should I install PXD files,
where, how (setuptools/distutils)?

Another point is: how to keep track of these build time dependencies,
using pkg-config?

Source is not online, but I plan to place them in google's svn or
something like it. I'm working on a local git tree for now. If desired
I can mail it to this list.

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
Jabber: barbieri at gmail.com
   MSN: barbieri at gmail.com
  ICQ#: 17249123
 Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (81) 9927 0010

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