[Pyrex] [Cython-dev] Cython released

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri barbieri at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 14:12:04 CEST 2007

On 10/11/07, Robert Bradshaw <robertwb at math.washington.edu> wrote:
> This release is completely independent from the recent Pyrex release
> (though we are working on merging those changes). The highlights are:
> - GIL handling code

Will we use GIL or "gil"? It would be great to keep compatibility with
Pyrex here to avoid confusion. But if we rename it's better to have
the same behavior too.

> - support of keyword-only arguments
> - Class-level executable bodies for cdef classes, including a working
> classmethod()
> - RichCmp instead of Cmp for <, <=, ==, ... operators (for
> consistency with interpreted python)
> - interned integer constants
> - several bug fixes (of which there is some overlap with the recent
> Pyrex release) and optimizations.

I don't see one change that I submitted to Pyrex and was included in
their release 0.9.6, it's about checking the return of tp->new() for
NULL (exceptions generated in __new__())


but you may check if Greg applied as-is or if he did some other checks there.

> There is also a new experimental type of function, rdef (formerly
> cdef overridable, but the syntax is still up for debate), which is a
> cdef function which is callable from python (via an auto-generated
> def function) and can be overriden in pure-python subclasses.

I haven't tried it or looked at the generated code, but AFAIU the file
where rdef is defined will always use the C version and not this
overriden pure-python subclasses. That's the case? If so, what's the
point in this? (use case)

Last thing: why did you removed callable() as a known built-in?
(http://www.cython.org/hg/cython/rev/28a5fc848c53) Do you plan to add
it back? How about getattr()?
   I know getattr is not being used due the C version using 2
parameters while the python version uses 3, we can have our
Cython_Getattr() as a static inline function that does the check or
add one more element to builtin_functions tuple to check for number of
provided parameters or change this tuple by an object that could have
its methods overriden and in this case it will just work.

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
Jabber: barbieri at gmail.com
   MSN: barbieri at gmail.com
  ICQ#: 17249123
 Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (81) 9927 0010

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