[Pyrex] defining module constants

Rob Shortt rob at tvcentric.com
Thu Apr 10 20:52:53 CEST 2008


I'm creating some python bindings to a C library.  I've defined
everything from the lib's header file in my pxd file and would like to
expose many of the defined enums in my pyrex module, not as members of a
class, but toplevel to my module.

For example, in my pxd file I have stuff like:

cdef extern from "directfb.h":
    ctypedef enum DFBResult:

and so on...

What can I add to my pyx file so that my resulting module will have
these, like:

import directfb
print directfb.DFB_OK

Please don't tell me I have to redefine or reassign them all in my pyx
file, but some equvalent to PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "DFB_OK", DFB_OK)
would be ok.


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