[Pyrex] Questions about your approach

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at kostyrka.org
Sat Apr 12 19:17:08 CEST 2008

Am Samstag, den 12.04.2008, 14:05 +1200 schrieb Greg Ewing:

> They're aimed at different problems, I think. Python2c seems
> to have been an attempt to compile pure Python code. Pyrex
> is for interfacing between Python and C, so it's competing
> more with the likes of SWIG and Boost Python. It happens
> to have much the same effect as python2c if you apply it to
> pure Python code, but that's pretty much accidental.

Actually, it does compete with SWIG only "indirectly", or one could
probably say "design" level.

IMHO, compared to SWIG, Pyrex wrappers around C code have IMHO a
different felling:

-) SWIG bindings are mostly automatic bindings, you can provide type
conversion helpers, but that's it.
-) Pyrex bindings OTOH are manually written.

In effect this means that SWIG bindings often have a nonpythonic feeling
as they just provide access to the C API, and sometimes need a Python
layer on top to feel idomatic.

Pyrex bindings, are not forced to offer the same API, so can provide a
more pythonic experience.

Just my $0.02,

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