[Pyrex] switch statement

Daniele Varrazzo daniele.varrazzo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 21:48:35 CET 2008

Simon Burton ha scritto:
> Does anyone know if gcc can optimise a switch done with nested if's as well as it optimises a real switch ? (eg. using computed-gotos)

Hi, just my 2 cents: maybe if you need such optimization level it would be 
better to write the core routine(s) in a C module and import it into Pyrex.

If you need all the speed you can, you are going to use C data types in Pyrex 
anyway, and you should be asking to duplicate everything that can be 
implemented in C (probably in the same way it is implemented in C) into Pyrex, 
which is probably not feasible.

-- Daniele

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