[Pyrex] Kate? or other Linux editor?

Charles Hixson charleshixsn at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 12 20:45:57 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Arnd Zapletal wrote:

| Z'm Themma '[Pyrex] Kate?  or other Linux editor?' heigit Charles
| Hixson folgides vo' sich gae:
|> oes anyone have a Kate template for syntax highlighting Pyrex? Or
|> a suggestion of a better editor that had such highlighting? My
|> current best thought is to customize the Python template for
|> NEdit... but it would be nice to have a project list.
| beside eg Kate & NEdit I do use mainly SciTE for python stuff. I
| just enlarged the 'python.properties' file to filter *.pyx and
| added keywords like 'cdef'.
| Quite rudimentary, but done within 90 sec or so.
| cu Arnd

I don't see any advantages in SciTE over NEdit.  Kate has a "pseudo-
project-pane" in the window that lets one keep all files in the
project available at once, which I find desireable.

OTOH, I've got the Python template for NEdit, so I can quickly modify
that and add it in.  I probably should have done so already, but I've
been busy with other things.  But I won't consider it a long term
solution even afterwards.  NEdit if fine for single file, or even two
file projects.  With three, the screen starts to get cluttered.  After

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