[Pyrex] Anyone used VendorID with Pyrex?

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Wed Mar 30 03:23:28 CEST 2005

Matt Campbell wrote:
> I recently read about a package called VendorID 
> (http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/vendorid/), which allows one to 
> restrict the usage of some extension modules to specific Python 
> interpreter binaries.  This is useful for redistributing Python bindings 
> for commercial libraries, such as PyQt.

Is this really necessary? As an extension writer, I wouldn't
consider it my job to attempt to enforce someone else's
license restriction. It's impossible anyway -- there's nothing
to stop someone modifying their Python interpreter to look
however the check wants, or writing their own wrapper for
the library.

> The tricky part is that extension modules 
> which use VendorID must call vendorid_check(), check the return value, 
> and raise an exception if the return value is zero, before calling 
> Py_InitModule().  I'm guessing that it would be necessary to patch Pyrex 
> to do this.

Yes, you'd have to modify either Pyrex or the generated C code,
because Pyrex code doesn't get control until after Py_InitModule()
is called.

If you want to modify the Pyrex compiler, you could start by
looking at Pyrex.Compiler.Nodes.ModuleNode.generate_module_init_func(),
which is where the initxxx() function gets generated.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz	   +--------------------------------------+

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