[Pyrex] Linking with python standard lib...

Brian Myers tarkawebfoot at charter.net
Mon Dec 11 01:03:37 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I've got my decimal library working (at least initially) now. I was  
looking through it and found some places to enhance performance with  
calls to the python api. I made changes and got things compiling, but  
then when I called the python api functions, I got a symbol not found  
error. I was pretty sure that was because I wasn't linking to the  
standard python library. So I updated my setup.py file and rebuilt.

The problem for me was that I'm working on OS/X and I've installed  
python through DarwinPorts. Doing so means the standard python  
library is in an unusual place. It's in /opt/local/lib. I came up  
with the following setup.py file to link the right library:

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
import os.path
import sys
decNumber = os.path.join('_decNumber', 'decNumber.c')
decContext = os.path.join('_decNumber', 'decContext.c')
                     ["decimals.pyx", decNumber, decContext],
                     libraries=['python' + sys.version[:3]])],
       cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}

This builds just fine, but when I try to import the module I get:

 >>> from py_decNumber import decimals
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
SystemError: Objects/moduleobject.c:48: bad argument to internal  

I've never seen this message before. Unfortunately, I'm somewhat new  
to python under Unix and OS/X especially. Anyone know what's going on  
here? Any suggestions about the best way to find the standard python  
library in the install script?



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