[Pyrex] Trailing comma in def argument list not accepted in Pyrex (with patch)

Robert Bradshaw robertwb at math.washington.edu
Sat Jul 7 09:02:25 UTC 2007

I agree this should be fixed and your proposed patch looks sound.  
I've changed it in SageX, it will be there in the next release.


On Jun 17, 2007, at 3:35 PM, Jim Kleckner wrote:

> Note that Python permits an argument list to end with an empty
> argument but Pyrex does not.  The argument list is a tuple and
> tuples are permitted to end with a trailing comma.  In fact, a
> tuple of one element must have a comma to syntactically
> differentiate parenthesized expressions from tuples.
> Would it make sense to permit this in Pyrex and Sagex?
> I have a ton of code with trailing commas in def argument
> lists...  Part of the reason is that adding or deleting an
> argument definition can be done by adding or deleting a whole
> line by itself in Python.  With Pyrex, you have to remember to
> edit the previous line to add a comma.  e.g.:
> def foo(
>      arg1=None,
>      arg2=None,
>      arg3=None,
>      arg4=None,  # In Pyrex, this causes a missing argument error
> ):
>      pass
> ================ Example:
> def foo(arg1, arg2,):
>    return arg1 + arg2
> ================ Pyrex output
> /cygdrive/c/Jim/dev/runsim/finsim/playpyrex/hello.pyx:2:19: Missing
> argument name
> ================ Sagex output
> Error converting Pyrex file to C:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ...
> def foo(arg1, arg2,):
>                    ^
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> /cygdrive/c/Jim/dev/runsim/finsim/playpyrex/hello.pyx:2:19: Missing
> argument name
> ================ Patch discussion:
> [I now use the sagex version of Pyrex because of the increased
> speed and better error reporting.]
> After perusing the code, it seems to me that the following code
> change to Parsing.py would effect the change.  But someone would
> need to try it out with all the test cases and someone more
> knowledgeable should assess whether this breaks something else.
> In the code below, simply change the use of c_arg_list_trailers
> to c_arg_list_terminators.  Since trailers was defined for a
> reason, this is probably not the whole story, but just the place
> for the surgeon to place the scalpel...
> And yes, I know, the patch is not in standard form.
> But it is just one line...
> ================ Patch candidate:
> c_arg_list_terminators = ('*', '**', '.', ')')
> c_arg_list_trailers = ('.', '*', '**')
> def p_c_arg_list(s, in_pyfunc, cmethod_flag = 0):
>      args = []
>      if s.sy not in c_arg_list_terminators:
>          args.append(p_c_arg_decl(s, in_pyfunc, cmethod_flag))
>          while s.sy == ',':
>              s.next()
> # JEK: The use of c_arg_list_trailers fails to recognize ')' as end of
> arg list.
> # JEK:      if s.sy in c_arg_list_trailers:
>              if s.sy in c_arg_list_terminators:
>                  break
>              args.append(p_c_arg_decl(s, in_pyfunc))
>      return args
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