[saih-promo2002] Christian Louboutin Heels 80% discount + The New Natural

Lora Mcgarvey loramcgarvey at okuvc.com
Mon Dec 15 00:05:10 CET 2014

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This is a Great Boot. 
I got the Chocolate, mainly because i know that the sand can stain easier and i personally prefer darker shoes. 
I love the leather on them the most, that's what drew me to them. 
They are so warm and stylish. 
The third pair (same style, color, and size) were ordered from ShoesCentral (for $1.00 cheaper than others, woo-hoo). 
The cost is worth it the quality is superior to anything out there!
I purchased these boots right before Christmas and it took a week and a half to receive. 
:D I always use (Earth Theraputics) Tea Tree foot spray daily, and would highly recommend it to people who wear UGG's, especially those of you who don't wear socks! 

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