[Uffau] Wonder what kind is swanmeat.

souros HURTADO souros-HURTADO at list99.com
Tue Aug 14 09:49:01 CEST 2007

H u-g+e N e w,s To I'mpact C.Y,T+V 

Chin*a Y-ouTV C+o+r p'. 

Sy-mbol: C*Y*T V 

We h+a v e alrea dy s-e e.n CYTV*'s ma.rket im+pact b-efore climbin-+g to o-v_e*r $2*.00 w*i*t_h n*e+w-s'. 
Pr'ess Rel-ease: 
Ch-ina YouT*V's CnB'oo W-e*b S.i_t*e Rank.s N,o ..1 on M.i'crosoft L.i*v e Sea,rch E ngine 

CnB-oo Traf-fic Increa*s+es 4-9*% O'v.e_r T*w_o Mon*ths 

R-e'a.d t'h.e news*, th,ink abo'ut t'h e impac,t, and
j+u'm p on t*h*i*s fi_rst th,ing Tomorr*o.w mo-rni-ng!  $0.4'2 is a g.i-f,t at t.h i+s price_.... . 

Do y.o*u'r homew,.ork a+n-d w*atch t+h'i,s trad*e Mon_day m'orning. 

Rai+stli-n w+i+l.l ne'ver suspe,ct. 
T.h_a+t o-n-e d a-y he w+i-l_l c_o m e ag*ain. 

T*h*e s'ystems p,reviousl y know.n as den,ali, yuko,n, a.n'd tu*ndra w e+r e retir*ed J+u,l*y 3 1., 2,0.0_1 a,n.d t,h'e d.a*t.a in thei+r r-e,spective fi,lesyst-ems w'e r+e arc_h_ived to t,a'p,e+. 
R' aistlin s+a_i+d no wo_rd, m.a-d'e no mot ion t-h+a t Crysani,,a co*uld s,e'e-, b*u't - at t,heir ap.pr'oach - t h-e d'o'o-r slow ly opened,. 
B+u*r+n m+e., h_o*w coul-d I t*e_l_l if t h e.y d,i d-. 

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